1.03.2013 - 31.03.2013 Debate, Events, History

The “Common Past” project

The “Common Past” project was organized by the Polish Institute in Kyiv and “Istorychna Pravda” web site in 2011. Since that time both original popular science publication of Ukrainian authors and translations of Polish studies dedicated to the Polish-Ukrainian memory dialog were published, including: “Ukrainian Katyn List”, “What Do Poles Really Think About Ukrainians In The Second World War” (sociological study “Between the Commonness and the Great History”, Warsaw-Gdansk, “SCHOLAR” scientific publishing house, 2010.), “Jewish Children and Ukrainian Monks in Polish Books” (An interview book “Death missed by a minute. Bristiger, Glowinski, Rotfeld” Warsaw, “Gazeta Wyborcza” library, 2010.). The goal of the project is to popularize the information about the common pages of the past of Ukraine and Poland. An epigraph for the project could be the words of Jerzy Giedroyc: “Our peoples are interested in the normalization of relations that requires us to tell each other ALL truth, but ONLY the truth.”

It is planned to review the following books in 2013:

Marcin Zaremba, Wielka Trwoga. Polska 1944-1947. Ludowa reakcja na kryzys, 2012.

Andrzej Zięba, Lobbing dla Ukrainy w Europie międzywojennej Ukraińskie Biuro Prasowe w Londynie oraz jego konkurenci polityczni (dо 1932 roku). 2010.

Alexander Etkind, Rory Finnin,  Remembering Katyn, 2012.   

Project editor Oleksandr Zinchenko

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