Alicja Wróblewska’s striking coral-hued photographs challenge us to consider more sustainable practices by presenting us with the artificial coral reefs of the future.
The facts are startling. By the end of this decade, it is estimated that 90 per cent of the reefs in the world will be under threat. By 2050, that threat will extend to all of them.
Coral reefs are one of the most beautiful and delicate natural phenomena on earth, but they are sensitive to changes in the environment. One of the factors that influences this is the acidification of the oceans and rising temperature of the water. When the temperature rises above a certain point the symbiotic relationship of corals and coexisting creatures becomes disturbed. The bleached corals stop growing and – if their damage is very serious – they decay completely.
This project by Polish photographer Alicja Wróblewska includes photographs of objects made by artist entirely of disposable plastic (bottles, mugs, straws, etc.). These objects represent the reefs of the future. If we do not drastically limit production of plastic, especially disposable packaging, reefs around the world will be permanently destroyed and replaced by synthetic creations such as these.