19.06.2024 Events, Music, News

Polish Journey – Hits and Transcriptions for Cello and Piano on the New DUX Album.

The duo Krupiński and Nowak takes listeners on a journey spanning over 120 years. The two virtuosos present a stylistically diverse repertoire, including frequently played works by Fryderyk Chopin, as well as transcriptions of pieces by Andrzej Panufnik and Krzysztof Penderecki.

The album opens with a sonata written by Chopin at the end of his life, one of his last compositions – full of beautiful, lyrical motifs, virtuosic in both parts, it anticipates its era with many innovative solutions. It is complemented by a youthful polonaise in the brilliant style. The following two miniatures by Panufnik, originally intended for voice and piano, present a world of mysterious, somewhat restrained harmonies, with the composer employing, among other things, the quarter tones he favored in the piece “Marzenie senne” (“Dream Vision”). The first violin sonata by Penderecki, written in 1953, is very rarely performed, and in the transcription for cello and piano, it is an interesting addition to the repertoire for this instrumental combination and a testament to the composer’s emerging style. At that time, he was still under the influence of Shostakovich, Bartók, and Stravinsky – which is clearly heard in this concise, colorful composition.

Cellist Kacper Nowak and pianist Łukasz Krupiński reach the heights of chamber partnership in this repertoire. Each of these young artists, who have achieved numerous competition and concert successes, also has the opportunity to showcase their virtuoso flair, which remains in service of melody and clarity of form. Above all, the listener is captivated by the beautiful tone, which changes colors like a chameleon depending on the composition, and the fluent phrasing that characterizes the playing of both musicians.

The album is available from May 22 in Empik stores, good music shops, and at www.dux.pl/. It will soon also appear on all streaming platforms.

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