24-01-2018 Books

The Good Doctor of Warsaw by Elisabeth Gifford

'You do not leave a sick child alone to face the dark and you do not leave a ch...
21-12-2017 Books

Identity, Attachment and Resilience

Identity, Attachment and Resilience provides a timely foray into the new field ...
22-11-2017 Books


Featuring: Farah Ahamed, SJ Bradley, Agnieszka Dale, Jacek ...
24-10-2017 Books

Polish Language & Culture Education Pack

The British Council and Polish Cultural Institute in partnership with Dwie Sios...
20-09-2017 Books

The House with the Stained-Glass Window by Żanna Słoniowska

MEET THE AUTHOR:Thursday, 5 October, 7pmBritish Library, LondonFamily Tales of ...
13-09-2017 Books

The Death of the Fronsac by Neal Ascherson

This is an unforgettable recreation of life in wartime, and of the tragic fate ...
24-08-2017 Books

Hunters, Gatherers, and Practitioners of Powerlessness: An Ethnography of the Degraded in Postsocialist Poland

The socio-economic transformations of the 1990s have forced many people in Pola...
23-08-2017 Books

Fox Season by Agnieszka Dale

BOOK LAUNCHA.M. Bakalar and Agnieszka Dale in conversation with Liz HoggardWedn...
23-08-2017 Books

Children of Our Age by A.M. Bakalar

BOOK LAUNCHA.M. Bakalar and Agnieszka Dale in conversation with Liz HoggardWedn...