19.07.2022 History, News

History contest for publications promoting the Polish history and diplomacy

Foreign Minister’s history contest for best publications promoting the history of Poland and Polish diplomacy opens for entries. Historians can submit their works until 31 August 2022.

Foreign Minister’s history contest for best publications promoting the history of Poland and Polish diplomacy opens for entries

The Minister of Foreign Affairs announces a contest for the best foreign language publication promoting the history of Poland and the best Polish language publication on the history of Polish diplomacy. The contest welcomes works which were published in 2021. Historians can submit their works until 31 August 2022.

Submissions should be in book form only (academic monographs, popular science publications, or source editions) and have no more than three authors.

The winner of the contest in the category “Best foreign language publication promoting Poland’s history” will receive a cash prize of EUR 10,000; the first prize in the category “Best publication on the history of Polish diplomacy” is PLN 20,000.

The contest prizes are awarded by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the request of the Historical Diplomacy Council.

How to enter:

Entries must be submitted by 31 August 2022, or postmarked by that day to be eligible for consideration.

Entries must include three copies, if possible accompanied by published reviews, opinions and peer reviews. Books sent in electronic form will also be accepted.

The entry should include a written consent of the author or authors to take part in the contest and their contact details.

This year’s edition of the contest is only open to works published in 2021.

The publications should be sent to:

Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych (Ministry of Foreign Affairs),

Departament Dyplomacji Publicznej i Kulturalnej (Department of Public and Cultural Diplomacy), Al. J. Ch. Szucha 23, 00-580 Warszawa;

with the envelope marked “Konkurs Historyczny Ministra SZ” (“History Contest of the Minister of Foreign Affairs”); or delivered at the MFA Incoming Correspondence Log

(entrance from Litewska Street), Monday to Friday from 8.15 a.m. to 4.15 p.m.

The MFA does not return copies that were entered for the contest.

If you have any questions about the contest, please do not hesitate to write to ddpk.sekretariat@msz.gov.pl with “History Contest of the Minister of Foreign Affairs” in the email subject line.

You can find more information on the contest’s rules in the Foreign Minister’s Order No 24 of 18 July 2017 on the History Contest of the Minister of Foreign Affairs (with attachments)

and Order No 22 of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of 24 May 2022 amending the Order on the History Contest of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.


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