23.06.2020 Literature

Discover rich Polish literature – #DiscoverPoland

Come and discover rich Polish literature and famous Polish writers - classics, Nobel Prize winners and figures who have achieved worldwide fame

Come and discover rich Polish literature and famous Polish writers

Poland has contributed significantly to world literature with quite a number of works that have become classics as for example Solaris or Heat of Darkness and also contemporary works such as Sapkowski’s The Witcher. Poland numbers no less than five Literature Nobel Prize winners: Henryk Sienkiewicz, Wladyslaw Reymont, Czeslaw Milosz, Wislawa Szymborska and Olga Tokarczuk. Add Isaak Bashevis Singer who wrote in Yiddish to this impressive roster, and Poland would rank sixth among the winners of this prestigious prize! Further notable figures of Polish literature who have achieved worldwide fame are Joseph Conrad, Stanislaw Lem and Ryszard Kapuscinski.


Scheduled Literature

Literary event with Maciej Płaza 🗓

Event with one of the most respected writers in Poland – Maciej Płaza, devoted to one of his novels “Golem”
21 06.2024 Literature

The second stage of the translation workshop

We are thrilled to inform you that the second stage of the translation workshop, which was aimed at helping beginning translators find inspiration to translate the first chapter of the book of their choice into Hebrew, has ended.
16 04.2024 Events, Literature

Literary event with Julia Fiedorczuk 🗓

Online meeting with one of the most respected writers and poets in Poland – Julia Fiedorczuk.
21 03.2024 Events, Literature