The International Design Week will be held at the Holon Institute of Technology – HIT – between April 18-22, 2021.
The Design Week titled “The New Normalcy” will be held under the auspices of the Faculty of Design and it will offer workshops and a series of lectures
for a wide audience by well-known designers teaching at design faculties all over Europe.
The countries participating in the event will be Great Britain, Spain, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Poland and Czechia. The four Polish participants will run workshops for students and deliver lectures for a wide audience.
A workshop by Dr Ewa Drygalska and Katarzyna Bazylczyk will look into the issue of the future of museums and take up the question of how museums can make use of the current crisis to redefine their modus operandi in a way that will enable them to remain relevant even in the future. The workshop will be held in cooperation with the Tel Aviv Museum and will focus on the specific demographic, economic and technological repercussions of the crisis on museums. The workshop called Manifesto – Design for Responsibility and Solidarity – will be conducted by the Polish designer Agnieszka Ziembiszewska and focus on the design of manifestos based on the recognition of the tremendous impact and ability of posters to bring about change. During the workshop each student will be asked to design his own manifesto. Dr Ola Kot’s workshop will deal with typography and the link between her and space with emphasis on cases when typography is the moving force and the key concept.
In addition to the workshops, between the hours 18:00-19:00 the first four days of the Design Week (18.4-21.4, 2021) will offer a series of lectures for a wide audience. The foreign guest lecturers will present their professional work to the audience. There will be 3 short lectures followed by questions fielded by the lecturers.
All the lectures and workshops will be held in English.
Lecture attendance free of charge.
For further details: Dr Yael Eilat……