17.09.2022 Bez kategorii, News

September 17 – the Soviet invasion to Poland

September 17th is marked in Poland as the anniversary of the Soviet invasion to POland on 1939, the implementation of the Ribbentrop Molotov Pact for the division of Europe between Germany and Russia
It was a stab in the back. #OTD in 1939 the Soviet Union invaded Poland which had been already countering the German aggression.
The Soviets brought repressions, mass killing and deportations of the local population.
„The invasion was dressed up as a military intervention. Rather similar to what we see today with the Russian invasion of Ukrainie” says Roger Moorhouse, British historian and author
specializing in the history of Nazi Germany, the Holocaust and WWII. History likes to repeat itself. #StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaNow
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