23.05.2024 - 1.06.2024 Events, Film

Polish movies at the Docaviv Festival

During this year's Tel Aviv International Documentary Film Festival Docaviv four Polish movies will be screened.

On May 23, the Doc Aviv Festival will open at the Tel Aviv Cinematheque. This year, four Polish films will participate, including two full-length and two short films that will participate in the short film competition. In addition, the Festival will host the Polish director Maria Wider, creator of the film “Old Summer”.

Wider, a graduate of the Gdynia Film School in Poland, has participated in film festivals in the past and received a Special Mention at the Polish Film Festival in Gdynia in 2019 for her short film “Within me”. The director will meet with the audience before the screening of the screening on May 25 (see the details below).


 OLD SUMMER (dir. Maria Wider)

Screened as part of the third group in the shorts competition

25.05 (Saturday) | 14:45 | Cinematheque 2 – during the event the director Maria Wider will meet with the audience

30.05 (Saturday) | 20:00 | Cinematheque 5

For more information and tickets purchase


IN THE REARVIEW (dir. Maciek Hamela)

 25.05 (Saturday) | 12:30 | Cinematheque 2

1.06 (Saturday) | 12:30 | Cinematheque 2

For more information and tickets purchase


SILENT TREES (dir. Agnieszka Zwiefka)

 26.05 (Sunday) | 17:00 | Cinematheque 2

30.05 (Thursday) | 13:15 | Cinematheque 2

For more information and tickets purchase


 ECHO (dir. Emi Buchwald)

Screened as part of the first group in the shorts competition

24.05 (Friday) | 15:00 | Cinematheque 2

28.05 (Tuesday) | 20:30 | Cinematheque 5

For more information and tickets purchase

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Scheduled Events Film

81st anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Annual campaign to commemorate the 81st anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. 
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Life, After All – exhibition of Aviva

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