Ceremony of naming the Library of the Polish Institute Tel Aviv after Ada and Edmund Neustein

Run by a legendary pair of booksellers, the Polish bookstore was for many a center of Polish culture in Israel and a home of its own, awakening longing for something distant, something lost
12 05.2023 Literature, News

Fascinating Polish films at the Docaviv Festival

Two Polish films will take part in this year's Tel Aviv International Documentary Film Festival Docaviv - "Pianofonte" by Jakub Piątek and "Moody" by Karolina Karwan and Tomasz Ratter
11 05.2023 20 05.2023 Film

Dybbuk, Tse! – new Polish-Israeli music production

The well-known drama "The Dybbuk" became the inspiration for the new album by Israeli jazz musician Yoni Miraz, produced by the Polish label Astigmatic Records
08 05.2023 Music

The Jewish King of Warsaw – Szczepan Twardoch at the Writers Festival

Szczepan Twardoch, whose novel “The King of Warsaw” has just been published in Hebrew, will take part in the International Writers Festival in Jerusalem, and will be interviewed by the Israeli writer and journalist Michal Zamir
11 05.2023 Literature

History Contest for best publications promoting history of Poland and its diplomacy

Contest for the best foreign-language publication promoting Poland’s history and the best Polish-language publication on the history of Polish diplomacy released in 2022. Authors are invited to submit their books by 1 June 2023
23 04.2023 History, News

“Remembering together” – concert on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

A special concert organized by the POLIN Museum in Warsaw and the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising will take place in Tel Aviv and will include a unique artistic program
18 04.2023 19 04.2023 History, Music, News

Warsaw and its surroundings – a tourist lecture

The lecture will be led by Daniela Signer, who will provide many ideas for routes and attractions for families in the spring and summer season
14 04.2023 Tourism

Anders army – a new exhibition

A new exhibition that will open at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center will expose the heroic story of Anders' army, brought to Israel by the Institute of National Remembrance in Poland
03 04.2023 History

Erase the Nation – A documentary Film

A documentary film showing the destruction of the cultural heritage of Ukraine by the army of the Russian Federation from February 24, 2022
30 03.2023 Film, History