31-08-2020 Naujienos

Solidarumo 40-metis

Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the signing of the August Agreements and the establishment of the Independent Self-Governing Trade Union “Solidarity”

On 31 August, we solemnly celebrate the 40th anniversary of the signing of the August Agreements and the establishment of the Independent Self-Governing Trade Union “Solidarity”, which contributed to the collapse of communism and an end to the world’s cold war division.  
This would not have happened without the involvement of millions of Poles who dared to resist the injustice prevailing in their enslaved country and established “Solidarity”. This mass civic movement, through which Poles decided to express their views and take responsibility for the fate of the country, had no match in Europe.
The “gene of solidarity” still makes Poland commit itself to helping other countries in need. Solidarity takes the form of development and humanitarian aid (recently during the COVID-19 pandemic), supporting other countries in transition, particularly those in the Eastern Partnership and the Western Balkans, but also taking part in the peacekeeping and military missions of the EU, the OSCE, NATO, and other international organisations. Marking this special anniversary, Poland unites behind all nations striving for freedom and democracy in their countries.
We encourage you to look at the exhibition prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which can be found below.

MFA Press Office

1980 –ųjų rugpjūtis – Pamario darbininkų protestai ir „Solidarność“ (Solidarumo) judėjimo gimimas tapo vienu iš svarbiausių Lenkijos istorijos įvykių ir vienu reikšmingiausių lūžių šiuolaikinėje pasaulio istorijoje. Ginti savo darbo orumo stoję streikininkai viešai suabejojo sistema, paremta komunistų partijos dominavimu visose visuomeninio gyvenimo sferose. Pergale pasibaigusi jų kova paskatino permainas, kurios apėmė visą sovietų bloką ir sulaukė atgarsio beveik visuose pasaulio regionuose.

Kviečiame susipažinti su paroda, skirta „Solidarność“ (Solidarumo) judėjimo 40-mečiui.