11-04-2014 Debate

New display of Faras Collection in the National Museum in Warsaw

Faras Collection is the most significant collection of the National Museum...
10-04-2014 Cinema

9th Days of Polish Cinema in Ukraine

The program  will traditionally present the seven best Polish films made durin...
09-04-2014 Events

Presentations of the Polish drama anthology “Confession After Wrecking” with the participation of translators Oleksandr Irvanets and Oleks

The anthology of modern Polish drama with the foreword written by well-known Po...
08-04-2014 Events

Polish-Ukrainian illustration exhibition PICTORIC as part of the 4th International Book Arsenal

PICTORIC is a place for communication of Polish and Ukrainian artists, pub...
29-03-2014 Events

Paweł Kaczmarczyk Audiofeeling Trio

Paweł Kaczmarczyk Audiofeeling Trio lineup: Paweł Kacz...
28-03-2014 Cinema

Films On Wheels

Viewing of Polish documentaries as part of the project: Own Product – an educ...
21-03-2014 Cinema

Maciej Drygas at the Docudays UA Festival

Maciej Drygas is a Polish documentary film maker, radio and cinema directo...
18-03-2014 Events

Jerzy Kornowicz at the new music master classes COURSE

A well-known Polish composer, chairman of the Composers' Union of Poland, ...
21-02-2014 Cinema

“Fiery Protests”

We want to inform you that the project "Fiery Protests 1968-1969: Poland, Ukrai...