22-02-2017 Books

Forefathers’ Eve by Adam Mickiewicz

Forefathers’ Eve (Dziady) by Adam Mickiewicz is a four-part dr...
31-01-2017 Books

Exposure by Aga Lesiewicz

You know that feeling. Your life's on track and all is going well. And then som...
02-01-2017 Books

Chrysalis. Polish Fashion Stories

The Polish Cultural Institute in London is launching Chrysalis, a limited...
21-12-2016 Books

Swallowing Mercury by Wioletta Greg

A sparkling little gem of a book - there is a freshness and truthfulness in Wio...
22-11-2016 Books

Building the Barricade by Anna Świrszczyńska

“Anna Świrszczyńska's elemental, extractive accountings of the Warsaw Upris...
22-11-2016 Books

Shadows of Survival: A Child’s Memoir of the Warsaw Ghetto

After sixty years, Kristine Keese is finally able to share the memori...
04-11-2016 Books

Froth: Poems

RELATED EVENTPoetry Periscope Launch: Tuesday 3 May, 6:30-7:45pm, British ...
04-11-2016 Books

Snow Calling

Snow Calling is Agnieszka Studzinska’s debut collection, examining the fractu...
06-09-2016 Books

City of Lions by Józef Wittlin and Philippe Sands

The Ukrainian city Lviv's many names (Lviv, Lvov, Lwow, Lemberg, Leopolis) bear...