Thesaurus Poloniae is a three-month fellowship programme of the Ministry of Culture National Heritage and Sport of the Republic of Poland. The programme is implemented by the International Cultural Centre in Krakow, the city being a leading Polish academic centre.
Thesaurus Poloniae is a three-month-long Fellowship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland implemented by the International Cultural Centre in Krakow in autumn 2009. The programme is addressed to non-residents of Poland who conduct their research on culture, history and multicultural heritage of the Republic of Poland as well as on Central Europe. Both the researchers who deal with practical aspects of management and protection of cultural heritage, and theoretists dealing with history, sociology, ethnography, anthropology etc. are welcome to apply and participate in the programme.
Thesaurus Poloniae Fellowship is run in two categories: Senior Programme addressed to university professors and senior lecturers/PhD holders, and Junior Programme addressed to PhD candidates. 113 researches from 33 countries (Armenia, Azarbajdzan, Belarus, Belgium, Canada, China, the Czech Republic, Egipt, France, Georgia, Germany, Great Britan, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Romania, the Slovak Republic,Serbia, Spain, Syria, Ukraine and the USA) have participated in the programme so far.
The participants in the Senior Programme are granted a monthly fellowship of 3500 PLN (ca 770 EUR), the participants in the Junior Programme – 2500 PLN (ca 550 EUR), and both are offered a one-off grant of 1500 PLN (ca 330 EUR) received together with the first fellowship amount, meant to be spent on publications and other related expenses.
The International Cultural Centre Library is at the Fellowship Holders’ disposal (http://www.mck.krakow.pl/page/26), and computer work stations with internet access are available in the Reading Room. The ICC offers assistance in getting access to the archives and libraries as well as educational activities of Krakow’s academic and cultural institutions. The participants in the programme get a single, fully furnished and equipped apartment in the city center at their disposal.
The ICC organises two calls for applications for prospective fellows each year*