17.03.2022 Literature

The novel Stramer by Mikołaj Łoziński will be at the focus of a Polish evening of literature held ahead of a translation workshop that will include working on this book alongside translator Miriam Borenstein

The novel Stramer by Mikołaj Łoziński will be at the focus of a Polish evening of literature held ahead of a translation workshop that will include working on this book

alongside translator Miriam Bornstein.  

The focus of Stramer are the lives of one Jewish family members residing in Tarnow, we will discuss the work during a Thursday March 17 meeting held at 19:00 p.m.

with the author present.  

Held in Polish, this meeting is held within the Polish Book Reading Club ahead of a planned Hebrew publication of the work as part of a translation workshop held at the Polish Institute

under translator Miriam Borenstein.  

Ahead of the meeting, we invite those who sign up to it to collect a free copy of the book to read in time for the author’s planned arrival (Please note the number of copies is limited).  

We will discuss the plot, style, and perspective with the author.  

Copies can be found at: The Polish Institute Library (Monday from 08:00 to 16:00 and Friday from 08:00 to 13:30). For more information contact – – telaviv.librarian@instytutpolski.pl  

The author is one of the most popular ones among young people in Poland today and was nominated for major awards in 2012 (Passport) and the Nika Award. 


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