19.03.2021 Literature

The King of Warsaw – Literary event

Literary encounter based on Szczepan Twardoch’s book “The King of Warsaw” including a zoom talk with the author about the book and the creative process

Literary encounter based on Szczepan Twardoch’s book “The King of Warsaw” including a zoom talk with the author about the book and the creative process.

The encounter will take place on March 19, 2021 at 11:00 and it will be held in Polish in the framework of the “Polish readers’ club”.

The action in Twardoch’s book takes place in Warsaw in 1937. This is a story of violence, passion and lust for power and the struggle to keep it.

The protagonist of the book is Jakub Shapiro, a Polish Jew involved in political scheming and infighting between Polish and Jewish mobs.

The plot zooms in on the Warsaw crime scene and Polish and Jewish gangs who organize matches for boxing champs representing the two ethnic communities.

Twardoch is one of the most prominent Polish writers of the young generation and last year his “The King of Warsaw ” was noticed and recommended by the “New York Times” as one of the most

interesting  works translated in recent years.

Those registering for the encounter will receive a Polish-language copy of the book.

To read more about the book

To register for the encounter by email: Agata – telaviv.librarian@instytutpolski.org


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