26.05.2021 Literature

On Centaurs by Ginczanka

A literary encounter on the occasion of the publication of the Hebrew version of Zuzanna Ginczanka’s book On Centaurs

A literary encounter on the occasion of the publication of the Hebrew version of Zuzanna Ginczanka’s book On Centaurs will be held on Wednesday, May 26, at 19:00  on Zoom.

The encounter will be dedicated to the book that was translated by Zvika  Szternfeld, edited by Tadeusz Wolenski and recently published by Even Hoshen.

The event will be held in cooperation with Beit Ariella Library in Tel Aviv in the framework of the “European Book Club” – an initiative of the Polish Institute and other cultural institutions of European countries in Israel and Beit Ariella.

The event will be held in Hebrew.

The event will be moderated by the writer and the editor Benny Mer.

Other speakers will be: the literary critic and lecturer at Warsaw University – Professor Shoshana Ronen and the translator Zvika Szternfeld

A registration link 

Even Hoshen Publishing House and the book



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