8.12.2023 Events, Science

Join our online live stream panel!

Following our first episode of the podcast, where we discussed Nicolaus Copernicus and his revolutionary mathematical theory that changed our perception of the universe, on Friday, December 8, we will host at the Polish Institute Tel Aviv a Live Stream event!

Following our first episode of the podcast, where we discussed Nicolaus Copernicus and his revolutionary mathematical theory that changed our perception of the universe, on Friday, December 8, we will host at the Polish Institute Tel Aviv: 

Professor Dvir Yelin – Member of the Biomedical Engineering Faculty at the Technion and head of the Biomedical Optics Laboratory who, translated Copernicus’ book, “On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres” from Latin to Hebrew for the first time in history.  

Professor Noam Soker –  Member of the Physics Department at the Technion, he is a leading astrophysicist who conducts theoretical research in fields like Supernova of exploding massive stars, exploding white dwarfs, and how clouds shape around dying stars. He will discuss how Copernicus changed our understanding of the universe.  

Yaron Goldstein – Founder of Mendali Books, will discuss how he moved from online publishing to paper and ink and how he decided to go ahead and print an important scientific work that is centuries old in today’s market.  

We will continue discussing theories, ideas, and facts and light a candle together for Hanukkah. 

Our panel will be recorded and released for your viewing.  

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