25.02.2024 Events, Theatre

“Dybbuk” through Ansky’s world

We invite you to a literary show based on the play "Dybbuk”, a mythological Jewish theatrical work. This play was written by An-Ski, which is staged to this day and is an inspiration in Israel and the whole world.

We invite you to a literary show based on the play “Dybbuk”, a mythological Jewish theatrical work. This play was written by An-Ski, which is staged to this day and is an inspiration in Israel and the whole world.

The event will be hosted by: Meir Uziel

In the discussion: Alex Ansky, Yoav Yefet, Ci Draigor Kadman, Hila Di Castro and more.

Singing: Dr. Esti Nissim

And: Dr. Yaniv Goldberg researches the creation of An-Ski.

Sunday 25.02.24 at 20:30

For tickets: https://www.tzavta.co.il/event/3673

Scheduled Events Theatre

Life, After All – exhibition of Aviva

On 2 May 2024 the exhibition "Life, After All" will open in the President Hotel Gallery in Jerusalem. An exhibition of the Polish born Israeli artist, Aviva Blum, and the Polish painter Vojtek Cieśniewski
26 04.2024 Events

Seminar marking the 80th anniversary of the

We invite you to the seminar marking the 80th anniversary of the the Łódź Ghetto Liquidation that will take place at the Haifa University on 7 May 2024. During the event lecturers from Poland and Israel will present lectures on various subjects related to the history of the Łódź Ghetto
26 04.2024 Events, History

The second stage of the translation workshop

We are thrilled to inform you that the second stage of the translation workshop, which was aimed at helping beginning translators find inspiration to translate the first chapter of the book of their choice into Hebrew, has ended.
16 04.2024 Events, Literature