10-01-2020 Events

A Deed Without A Name 🗺

Witkiewicz was a Polish avant-garde artist, playwright and novelist, a crucial ...
Polish Government in Exile
10-01-2020 Events

The Polish Government in Exile 🗺

October 2019 marked the 80th anniversary of the creation of the Polish Governme...
04-01-2020 Events

Krzysztof Sokolovski: Neosacral Art 🗺

Krzysztof Sokolovski was born in Lithuania, lives and works in Poland. Graduate...
01-01-2020 Events

Pharaoh 🗺

The leading ancient egyptological society in the teaching and informing of anci...
01-01-2020 Events

Dominik Wizjan 🗺

The new year at Ognisko Polskie starts with a talk and concert of music from th...