23.05.2024 - 1.06.2024 News

Polish view on the war in Ukraine at the Docaviv Festival

A documentary film by the Polish director amazed the audience at the Docaviv festival in Tel Aviv. The film "In the Rearview" stands alongside other films and projects expressing Poland's solidarity towards Ukraine

The screening of the documentary film “In the Rearview” directed by Maciek Hamela impressed the audience of the International Documentary Film Festival which opened in Tel Aviv on May 23.

The film tells the daily stories of the Ukrainian families who experience cruelty as a result of the ongoing Russian aggression since February 2022. The Polish Institute in Tel Aviv is proud to be a partner of the Docaviv Festival and to bring the Polish-Ukrainian perspective to the Israeli audience.

Additional screening of movie will take place on June 1 at 12:30 p.m. For more information and tickets purchase


Our support for Ukraine continues. Starting in 2022, we participated, among other projects, in the exhibition of the Israeli artist Rom Barnea “Belongings” and in the exhibition of children’s paintings “Mom, I don’t want war“.

In February 2023, a photo exhibition “Warsaw – Mariupol” was held with our support.

In addition, together with many Polish institutions, we supported the distribution of the documentary “Erase the Nation“. To watch the movie

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