14.02.2018 - 14.03.2018 Galeria Platan, Program, Wydarzenia, Wystawa


Wystawa sztuki współczesnej.

14 lutego (środa), godz. 19.00 — 14 marca 2018 r. (środa)
LATARKA, 1061 Budapest, Andrássy út. 32.

BORDERLESS — exhibition in LATARKA Gallery

Opening  February 14th at 19:00
Curators: Mendreczky Karina and Esse Bánki Ákos

Artists: Bruno Baptistelli, Tomasz Piars, Holly Graham, Zhanina Marinova, Lisa Chang Lee, Marissa Wedenig, Anastasiya Yarovenko

Opening speech by Patrycja Rup art manager

A hundred years ago Poland regained independence. In the November of 1918, World War I was over and Poland became a free and independent country at last after 123 years of geo-political oblivion. To celebrate this anniversary Polish cultural Institute organizes many extraordinary programs during this year. Latarka Gallery is proud to join the celebration, the exhibition ’Borderless’ is also the part of this jubilee. The artist of the exhibition reflect on this event, they affect topics like home, freedom, independence, tradition, and visualize the differences between cultures.

Today with the support of the Internet one can access anything and get to anywhere. The good old days, when Polish artist Stanisław Witkacy enriched himself with inspiration gained on his long journeys, when he felt obliged to travel to Vienna in 1907 to get acquainted with Gauguin’s art in person or to Paris to meet the cubists, the art of ‘les Nabis’, the Fauves and the latest trends. Or the times back in the fifteenth century, when Dürer traveled days or even weeks to get familiar with artists from different cultures because he was in serious need of financial resources. The German fine arts would have suffered a great loss, if Dürer hadn’t been able to spend long months in Italy and hadn’t had the chance to take home and fuse the experiences he claimed into the German traditional painting. Today the time of a procedure like this has reduced to hours and minutes, but needless to say, the questions remains;  in today’s busy world how profound could be the cognizance?

Traveling is not exclusive to the privileged anymore, many young artists seek new homes for shorter or longer periods. They can get a taste of new cultures, acquire new techniques while retaining their own traditions. The exhibition features artists who live in different countries, in different media than the ones they were born into or the ones they have grown up in. One could take Polish artist, Tomasz Piars as an example, who resides in Hungary and whose works are manifestation of the transcript of the geometrical space, another example could be Bulgarian graphic artist Zhanina Mariona whose artwork is playing with the space, colors and shapes. How vehement is the effect of tradition or the innovative will in their works? How firm is the influence of their roots, the heritage of their ancestors, their motherland and their current home on their art and artistic attitude? The given works are being created with various techniques, but the formal and conceptual bond connecting them is the landscape painting, however they do not set a limit to artistic manifestation.

One may wonder how globalization affects fine arts’ traditions. Is there a possibility to preserve them? Will the different styles endure or will art become unified?

On view till March 14th

from to
Scheduled Galeria Platan Program Wydarzenia Wystawa