Tribute to Queen Victoria's favourite opera singers.
19 05.2021 Events, Music

Europe’s First Constitution

A guide to why 3 May 1791 matters, with Richard Butterwick-Pawlikowski.
03 05.2021 Events, History, Resources

In Short, Europe: HAPPY TOGETHER

A collection of life affirming shorts from 19 European countries.
07 05.2021 16 05.2021 Events, Film

Major Incident

Exhibition by by Piotr Krzymowski, hosted by PROJECT Thirteen.
18 05.2021 06 06.2021 Events, Visual arts

Andrzej Panufnik – His Quest for Peace

a Lyric Drama with Clare Hammond (piano) and Tama Matheson (author & actor).
25 05.2021 Events, Music

19th KINOTEKA Polish Film Festival Announces 2021 Online Programme

KINOTEKA Polish Film Festival returns to your television, tablet and computer screens this May for your annual dose of Poland’s diverse film culture.
06 05.2021 04 06.2021 Events, Film, Film, News

Penderecki’s Garden

A digital project celebrating the life and legacy of Krzysztof Penderecki, opens a year after his death.
29 03.2021 Music, Music, News

Found in Translation Award 2021

Nominate your favourites for the prestigious award!
31 01.2021 Events, Literature, News

LSE IDEAS: Spotlight on the Visegrad Four

Join us as we shine a spotlight on Central Europe’s Visegrad Group, thirty years after the establishment of the V4.
20 01.2021 10 03.2021 Events, History, News