
An opera about obsessive fantasies, based on William Wharton’s debut novel.
28 07.2019 Events, Theatre

Sobootka: Poems, Stories and Songs 🗺

Sobootka: Poems, Stories and Songs
22 06.2019 Events, History, Literature, Theatre

Shakespeare and Poland Festival

Shakespeare and Poland celebrates Poland’s particular affinity and fascination with Shakespeare’s plays. The two-week festival embraces live theatre, film, illustration, music and song.
27 06.2019 06 07.2019 Events, Theatre

Enrich Festival 🗺

Theatre and Live Music in Watford
08 06.2019 Events, Music, Theatre

Spectacle ‘They’ by Stanislaw Witkiewicz 🗺

a dark comedy in London
03 06.2019 08 06.2019 Events, Theatre