Lvov-Warsaw School of Philosophy

The Lvov-Warsaw School (LWS) was a real phenomenon. It was a Polish school of thought widely considered to be a philosophical movement that placed Polish philosophy at the forefront of international discourse of contemporary philosophy
08 05.2020 Science

Katarzyna Kobylarczyk wins Ryszard Kapuściński Award

Katarzyna Kobylarczyk is this year’s winner of the Ryszard Kapuściński Award for her book       The Scab: Spain scratches open its wounds
01 06.2020 Literature

Righteous Among the Nations – Monthly story

At the age of 15, Jan never looked back. He risked his life to help Jewish friends who were his neighbours in his childhood. This is another story about personal courage against all odds
28 05.2020 Righteous Among the Nations

Righteous Among the Nations – Monthly story

Jerzy Pozimski was a prisoners in Auschwitz. Because of a special job, he was able to move freely in the camp. He made contact with a group of female prisoners and saved the lives of their relatives by moving them to different jobs
27 04.2019 Righteous Among the Nations

“HALO” in Print Screen Festival

The Polish artist Karolina Halatek will participate in Print Screen – the 9th year of the international digital art festival – with her work “Halo” - November 19-21th in Mediatheque Holon
19 11.2019 21 11.2019 Visual arts

Pianos in Jerusalem

Pianos in Jerusalem, centered on the piano and its various styles of expression, will be held again in Jerusalem. This year the festival will be dedicated to polish composer Frederic Chopin, whose 210th birthday is marked all over the world
13 11.2019 16 11.2019 Music

Songs of the Goat in Israel Festival

Songs of the Goat Polish Theater group will participate in the framework of Israel Festival Jerusalem with the performance Songs of Lear, based on Shakespeare’s classic King Lear - a powerful distillation of Shakespeare’s famous tragedy
13 06.2019 14 06.2019 Events, Music, Theatre