Polish Talk – Mondays with JHI – Jewish cemeteries in Poland

webinar of the series "Polish Talk – Mondays with JHI" will discuss  Jewish cemeteries in Poland
26 04.2021 History

Polish Talk – Mondays with JHI – about

Our fifth webinar in the series Polish Talk - Mondays with JHI will be dedicated to Rachel Auerbach, one of the three surviving members of the Oyneg Shabes group
08 03.2021 History

What’s New, What’s Next? Book Talks by Prof. Antony Polonsky

Meeting from the series What's New, What's Next? Book Talks by Prof. Antony Polonsky will discuss the history of the Jewish community in Poland and it`s the research
11 02.2021 History

Israel is Reading Korczak

An educational project which aims to bring the agenda, values and ideas of Janusz Korczak to the young generation in Israel
01 02.2021 History

Europe Europe

On the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day - a conversation of Dr. Yitzhak Noy with Sally Perel, the survivor based on his story the film "Europe Europe" was created
20 01.2021 27 01.2021 Film, History

“Polish Talk – Mondays with JHI” – A Webinar

"Polish Talk – Mondays with JHI" - third webinar in the series this time with Dr. Bartosz Borys - cooperation with JHI and Moreshet Center
25 01.2021 History

Where are we from? – Cultural Historical Project

Where are we from? is a cultural-historical project led by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
17 01.2021 History

Bravely Beating Hearts

"Bravely Beating Hearts" - Israeli and Polish artists in a tribute concert to the Jewish soldiers in the Anders’ Army alongside with an exhibition and a special conference
08 12.2020 History, Music