163rd birthday of Ludwik Zamenhof

We commemorate the creator of the Esperanto language Ludwik Zamenhof on the 163rd year to his birth
15 12.2022 News

80th anniversary of establishing “Żegota” Council to Aid Jews

“Żegota” - the only state organisation in Europe whose aim was to help Jews – was established on December 4th, 1942 thanks to a financial support by the Polish Government in Exile and worldwide Jewish organisations
04 12.2022 News

‘Mom, I don’t want war’ – a new exhibition

Exhibition showing children's drawings inspired by the war: Polish children in 1946 and children in the Ukraine of 2022
30 11.2022 10 12.2022 History, Kids, News

November 1st – All Saints Day

The 1st day of November is marked in Poland as a special day in which crowds visit cemeteries to commemorate their belated relatives and friends. We dedicated the day to Poles buried in Israel - Polish soldiers, war refugees, diplomats, Righteous Among the Nations), monks, priests and civilians
01 11.2022 News

Distant cities – Jacek Dehnel’s poems in Hebrew

A collection of poems by Jacek Dehnel, a recognized Polish poet of the young generation, was published in Israel by the Keshev la'Shira Publishing House in Hebrew, translated by the literary scholar and translator Dr. Hanna Herzig
30 10.2022 Literature, News

Musical Bridges Poland-Israel – 2 unique concerts and world-famous creators  

Two unique concerts led by Israeli and Polish artists will include musical works at a world premiere – from Karol Szymanowski to Krzysztof Penderecki and Julian Tuwim with the participation of the world-class pianist Garik Olson, winner of the International Chopin Competition
03 11.2022 06 11.2022 Music, News

The Warsaw Ghetto Museum calls to collect artifacts from WW2

The Warsaw Ghetto Museum calls to collect objects, souvenirs and testimonies from the Warsaw Ghetto that are in the possession of private individuals and may contribute to the presentation of history in the newly built museum
12 10.2022 Bez kategorii, History, News

The International Witold Gombrowicz Festival

The Radom International Witold Gombrowicz Festival includes a competition between dozens of artists from around the world and is focused on the figure of the famous Polish writer and playwright
08 10.2022 15 10.2022 News

Polish comics by women

Article on the occasion of the participation of Polish authors in the Brussels Comic Book Festival by Piotr Kasiński
09 09.2022 11 09.2022 News