1.10.2020 - 10.11.2020 Empfehlungsarchiv

The Golden Horseshoe of Pegasus 🗺

17th International Meetings with Monodram (03.-05.12.2020 in Suwałki)

The event is addressed to talented young people, students, adult amateurs and monodram actors. The meetings are in a form of a competition. It is accompanied by workshops, consultations and performances.

Invited are talented youth and adults in the following age categories: youth aged 16–19 as well as adults, amateurs and professionals (students from theatre schools, professional actors) operating in countries around the world.

You should prepare a monodram based on any literary work. It is allowed to use a voice from off-line, multimedia and live music. The performance should have a verbal or visual layer, legible for a foreign language recipient. The duration of the performance:

  • up to 30 min, performers aged16–19,
  • up to 45 min, amateurs adult performers,
  • up to 60 min, professional

How to apply?

Participant, instructor, director, school, leading institution or a parent shall submit until 30th of October 2020 (first term) and in case of vacancies until 10th of November 2020 (second term) to the Organizational Office a DVD with the recorded performance together with the filled out application form. Jury shall point out the qualitied performances. The Organizer will inform the applicant about the decision by e-mail or by phone until 2nd of November 2020 (in case of the first term) and until 12 of November (in case of the second term).

Regulations: here (DOCX)

Participation Card: here (DOCX)

Scene Requierements: here (DOCX)

Contact / artistic director: Grażyna Filipowicz-Karp, 0048 / 513 / 625 229, grazyna.filipowicz_karp@soksuwalki.eu

Organizer: Suwalski Ośrodek Kultury

Info: soksuwalki.eu

Empfehlungen des Polnischen Instituts:

Diabeł / The Devil
Scheduled ical Google outlook
Empfehlungen Film
Cineplex, Ludwigsburger Str. 13, 04209 Leipzig
from to
Scheduled Empfehlungsarchiv

Tanzformen. Empowering Bodies 🗓 🗺

DRESDEN / Gastspiele von Gosia Wdowik und Cudowne Lata bei der Tanzreihe (23.11.–07.12.2024)
06 12.2024 07 12.2024 Empfehlungsarchiv

Listy do M. Pożegnania i powroty /

LEIPZIG / 17:15 / Reihe „Populäres polnisches Kino im Cineplex“ / Wiederholung wegen großer Nachfrage
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Das Gewandhausorchester spielt Grażyna Bacewicz 🗓 🗺

LEIPZIG / Grosse Concerte mit Werken von Beethoven und Debussy
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