14.05.2021 - 29.07.2021 Aktuellt

Polish Returns NAWA Programme

The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) has announced a call for proposals under the Polish Returns NAWA Programme.

The aim of the Polish Returns NAWA Programme is to allow prominent Polish scientists to return to their country and take up employment at Polish higher education institutions, scientific units or research institutes. The Programme will create optimal conditions for returning scientists to conduct world-class scientific research or developmental work in Poland. Polish higher education institutions, scientific units and research institutes will acquire specialists with international experience and knowledge in the field of the newest research trends in their scientific discipline.

The Programme includes 2 tracks, depending on the stage of the returning scientist’s academic career:

  • Junior scientist
  • Experienced scientist.

The returning scientist may be a person who:

  • is a Polish citizen
  • holds a doctoral degree (for Junior scientist – obtained not earlier than 7 years before submitting the application)
  • has worked abroad as a scientist for the required period specified in the call text, and at that time has not lived nor worked in Poland
  • can demonstrate scientific achievements that are internationally recognized, and stand out in the context of a given discipline and career stage
  • managed the implementation of at least one research project selected in a national or international competition (for Experienced scientist).

The following shall be financed under the Programme:

  • remuneration for the returning scientist
  • remuneration for the inviting person
  • remuneration for the project group
  • adaptation of the workplace
  • relocation of the returning scientist
  • research component financed by the National Science Centre in Poland.

Under the Junior scientist track the projects may last from 24 to 36 months, with NAWA financing up to the amount of PLN 1,193,200. In the Experienced scientist track, projects from 36 to 48 months are possible with NAWA financing up to PLN 2,447,600. Additionally, in the case of basic research, one can apply for the NCN research component – a starting grant of up to PLN 200,000.

Call for proposals: 14 May 2021 till 29July 2021, 3:00:00 pm (local time for Warsaw).

Learn more about the conditions for application, timing, etc. https://nawa.gov.pl/en/scientists/polish-returns

Contact person: Ms Katarzyna Pietruszyńska, e-mail: katarzyna.pietruszynska@nawa.gov.pl; tel. + 48 22 390-35-56.

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