1.01.2022 - 25.02.2022 Empfehlungsarchiv

Color Art 🗺

GOLENIÓW / International Youth Festival of Fine Arts (6-17 years)

The festival is an annual event held since 1990. It is the continuation of the International Children’s Festival of Visual Arts organized under the auspices of the Polish National Commission for UNESCO. The aim of the festival is to promote all kinds of visual art forms created by young artists.

In addition, artworks presented during the festival remain in the collections of many institutions, are featured in the exhibitions both in Poland and abroad, and used for charitable purposes. The organizers would like to warmly invite all children and youth to enter the competition. They will accept entries from private individuals, educational and cultural institutions, and schools. The winners and their caretakers will be invited to attend a 5-day art workshop taking place at the seaside as part of the Color Art Festival finale.

Subject: „Dreams come true“

Everyone can dream, but we dream of different things. You can dream about having a younger sister or a new scooter. But you can also dream about a peaceful and safe home. Or about travel around the world or having a picnic on a meadow. The most important thing is to dream and believe that dreams come true and therefore create the space for our thoughts to come true. It doesn’t matter if you wanna tell us about something that had already happened, or you just give us a peek into a world of your imagination. They are both equally important. We’re waiting for your paintings and we wish you pleasant work on them!

Age groups

Category: painting and drawing
Group I – 6 to 9 years of age
Group II – 10 to 13 years of age
Group III – 14 to 17 years of age

Category: graphic arts (only linocut and monotyping)
Group I – 6 to 9 years of age
Group II – 10 to 13 years of age
Group III – 14 to 17 years of age

Original works should be sent to the address of the Goleniów Cultural Center by March 25, 2022 (the date of receipt by the GDK is decisive). On the back of the work, the application form should be placed along with the declaration of consent to the processing of personal data of the participant signed by the legal guardian.

Organizer: Goleniowski Dom Kultury (Goleniów Cultural Centre), ul. Słowackiego 1, 72-100 Goleniów, tel. 91/ 418 26 88 

Rules: ⇒ PDF
Entry form: ⇒ DOC
Info: http://gdk.goleniow.pl/pobieralnia


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