20.01.2024 Empfehlungsarchiv CinemaxX, Hüblerstr. 8, 01309 Dresden

Doppelgänger. Sobowtór / The Double 🗺

DRESDEN / 16:45 / Agententhriller mit Jakub Gierzał und Tomasz Schuchardt

R: Jan Holoubek, PL 2023, 120 min, OmU

mit Jakub Gierszał, Tomasz Schuchardt, Emily Kusche, Wiktoria Gorodeckaja, Joachim Raaf, Andrzej Seweryn u.a.

The plot of the film is concerned with the lives of two characters living parallel lives. Hans (Jakub Gierszal) and Jan Bitner (Tomasz Schuchardt) are separated by the Iron Curtain. Hans works in an office in Strasbourg and leads a quiet, almost monotonous life. Bitner is a Polish patriot, committed to the Solidarity Movement and the struggle to set Poland free. He lives with his family in Sopot. On the surface, their lives are completely different, but there is one small detail that has linked these lives forever. Both will have to answer very important questions about their identity.

Info: www.cinemaxx.de/film/doppelgaenger-the-double/beschreibung
Tickets: hier
Ort: CinemaxX, Hüblerstr. 8, 01309 Dresden


Empfehlungen des Polnischen Instituts:

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CinemaxX, Hüblerstr. 8, 01309 Dresden Map

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